Produkt Email Microsoft Office 365

Najděte nejlepší nabídky na E-mailové služby Microsoft Office 365 od různých prodejců po celém světě. Porovnejte ceny a ušetřete peníze.

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Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365







Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.
Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365







Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.
Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365







Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.
Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365

Exchange Online Kiosk

Email Microsoft Office 365







Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.
Exchange Online Kiosk is designed for users who require fewer messaging features because they do not have dedicated computers. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and web-based access through Outlook on the web.

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365







Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)
-Secure and reliable business-class email with a 50 GB mailbox per user.
- Price is per email

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365







Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)
-Secure and reliable business-class email with a 50 GB mailbox per user.
- Price is per email

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365







Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)
-Secure and reliable business-class email with a 50 GB mailbox per user.
- Price is per email

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)

Email Microsoft Office 365







Office 365 Exchange Online (Plan 1)
-Secure and reliable business-class email with a 50 GB mailbox per user.
- Price is per email

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365







Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.
Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365







Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.
Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365







Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.
Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Email Microsoft Office 365







Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.
Price is per email
Chat, call, meet up to 300 attendees
Web and mobile versions of Office apps
1 TB of cloud storage per user
Business-class email - 50GB per email
Standard security
Best for businesses that need business email and other business services on PC, Mac, or mobile. Desktop versions of Office apps not included.

Microsoft Office 365 nabízí širokou škálu funkcí, včetně spolehlivého e-mailového doručování, kalendáře, úloh a možnosti sdílení souborů.

Na naší stránce můžete snadno porovnat ceny od různých prodejců a najít nejlepší nabídku pro vaše potřeby.

Při výběru služby zvažte dostupné funkce, počet uživatelů, datové úložiště a rychlost doručování e-mailů.

Ano, můžete kdykoli upgradovat nebo downgradeovat svůj plán podle vašich potřeb a požadavků.

Můžete platit za služby Microsoft Office 365 pomocí kreditní karty, PayPal nebo platebního procesoru podle výběru prodejce.

Nastavení služby Microsoft Office 365 závisí na konkrétním plánu a požadavcích, ale obvykle trvá několik minut až hodin.

Ano, Microsoft Office 365 umožňuje přístup k e-mailům a dalším funkcím na více zařízeních pomocí jednoho účtu.

Můžete využít různé bezpečnostní funkce, jako je dvoufaktorové ověření a šifrování, aby byl váš e-mailový účet chráněný.

Ano, Microsoft Office 365 umožňuje snadné sdílení souborů prostřednictvím e-mailových služeb a cloudového úložiště.

Microsoft nabízí různé možnosti podpory, včetně online chatu, telefonické podpory a komunitních fór pro řešení problémů a dotazů zákazníků.