Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Enterprise) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers
Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Enterprise) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers
This security product is ideal for light ecommerce sites interested in boosting their trust quickly and affordably. This certificate will not only encrypt information sent from browsers to your server, but will also increase the trust visitors have in your website.
This security product is ideal for light ecommerce sites interested in boosting their trust quickly and affordably. This certificate will not only encrypt information sent from browsers to your server, but will also increase the trust visitors have in your website.
This certificate will enable many trust indicators on your website, along with providing strong 256-bit encryption. Once installed, your site will reap the benefits of the padlock icon in the URL bar, \"https\" in front of the address, and the dynamic Comodo Secure Site Seal.
This certificate will enable many trust indicators on your website, along with providing strong 256-bit encryption. Once installed, your site will reap the benefits of the padlock icon in the URL bar, \"https\" in front of the address, and the dynamic Comodo Secure Site Seal.
Provides full assurance to your customers beyond encryption by adding trust to your business. This Organization Validated (OV) certificate offers 256-bit encryption along with the recognized Comodo Site Seal. Your customers will know that their information is safe and sound.
Provides full assurance to your customers beyond encryption by adding trust to your business. This Organization Validated (OV) certificate offers 256-bit encryption along with the recognized Comodo Site Seal. Your customers will know that their information is safe and sound.
This certificate delivers 99% browser and server recognition while securing transactions on your website. This budget-friendly organization validated certificate is great for small- to medium-sized businesses interested in going beyond standard encryption and beefing up their customer trust.
This certificate delivers 99% browser and server recognition while securing transactions on your website. This budget-friendly organization validated certificate is great for small- to medium-sized businesses interested in going beyond standard encryption and beefing up their customer trust.
These organization validated certificates allow your customers to see that your business was verified by one of the most trusted names in internet security. This certificate is recommended to medium sized ecommerce sites and comes with a dynamic site seal.
These organization validated certificates allow your customers to see that your business was verified by one of the most trusted names in internet security. This certificate is recommended to medium sized ecommerce sites and comes with a dynamic site seal.
With this certificate you can cover up to 100 domains with just one certificate. In addition to SAN support, this certificate offers a dynamic site seal and unlimited server licensing. This multi-domain certificate is an excellent option for small to medium sized companies that want to make managing and provisioning their domains as simple as possible.
With this certificate you can cover up to 100 domains with just one certificate. In addition to SAN support, this certificate offers a dynamic site seal and unlimited server licensing. This multi-domain certificate is an excellent option for small to medium sized companies that want to make managing and provisioning their domains as simple as possible.
Consolidate certificate management burdens and save money in the process with the Sectigo OV SSL Multi-Domain/UCC. Capable of encrypting multiple different domains on a single certificate, this certificate works on any server including Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications.
Consolidate certificate management burdens and save money in the process with the Sectigo OV SSL Multi-Domain/UCC. Capable of encrypting multiple different domains on a single certificate, this certificate works on any server including Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications.
Organization validated SSL encryption that’s perfect for large enterprise networks, internal networks and intranets. Provides industry standard encryption for one site, host name or IP address.
Organization validated SSL encryption that’s perfect for large enterprise networks, internal networks and intranets. Provides industry standard encryption for one site, host name or IP address.
This single SSL certificate can provide secured communications on many different domains, both internal and external, which will reduce the complexity of your server security administration, along with reducing cost.
This single SSL certificate can provide secured communications on many different domains, both internal and external, which will reduce the complexity of your server security administration, along with reducing cost.
Ensure the ultimate amount of protection out of all Organization Validated (OV) certificates. With features such as securing both www and non-www, 256-bit encryption, Free HackerGuardian Vulnerability Scan, the Comodo Site Seal, and 99% recognition of browsers, your visitors will rest assured knowing their information is being transmitted securely.
Ensure the ultimate amount of protection out of all Organization Validated (OV) certificates. With features such as securing both www and non-www, 256-bit encryption, Free HackerGuardian Vulnerability Scan, the Comodo Site Seal, and 99% recognition of browsers, your visitors will rest assured knowing their information is being transmitted securely.
SSL certifikát OV je typ digitálního bezpečnostního certifikátu, který ověřuje identitu webové stránky a zajišťuje šifrování datové komunikace.
SSL certifikát OV pomáhá zabezpečit přenos dat mezi webovou stránkou a uživatelem, což zvyšuje důvěryhodnost stránky a chrání citlivé informace.
Náš web porovnává ceny SSL certifikátů OV od různých prodejců z celého světa a zobrazuje vám nejlepší dostupné nabídky pro vaše potřeby.
Proces získání SSL certifikátu OV závisí na konkrétním prodejci, ale obvykle trvá několik dní až týdnů od podání žádosti.
Platný SSL certifikát OV lze poznat podle zeleného zámku vedle URL webové stránky a začíná na 'https://' namísto 'http://'.
SSL certifikát OV ověřuje identitu organizace, zatímco EV (Extended Validation) certifikát ověřuje identitu organizace a zobrazuje zelený panel s názvem organizace ve vyhledávači.
Ano, některé SSL certifikáty OV umožňují ochranu více subdomén na jednom certifikátu, ale to se liší podle konkrétního poskytovatele.
SSL certifikát OV není povinný, ale je doporučeno ho mít zejména pro stránky, které zpracovávají citlivé informace nebo mají přihlašovací formuláře.
Mezi nejčastější bezpečnostní výhody SSL certifikátu OV patří šifrování datové komunikace, ověření identity webové stránky a ochrana před podvržením.
Cena SSL certifikátů OV se liší podle prodejce a typu certifikátu, ale obvykle jsou dostupné i pro malé firmy s rozpočtem.