Starter is a low cost, entry-level solution that offers two malware scans & removals per month to maintain a clean site. It will also boost your site\'s performance by leveraging the CDN and provides access to some support. However, protection is limited because it does not include the robust WAF to filter traffic or Comodo\'s artificial security intelligence engine (SIEM) to stay on top of new threats. Upgrade to Pro for active protection.
Starter is a low cost, entry-level solution that offers two malware scans & removals per month to maintain a clean site. It will also boost your site\'s performance by leveraging the CDN and provides access to some support. However, protection is limited because it does not include the robust WAF to filter traffic or Comodo\'s artificial security intelligence engine (SIEM) to stay on top of new threats. Upgrade to Pro for active protection.
Pro is the most-popular SMB website security solution providing the most value at a price point any business can afford. Get unlimited scanning, automatic & manual malware removal, 24/7 live support, monitoring to keep your site off blacklists, and a CDN to enhance your site\'s performance and thwart DDoS attack attempts. It will also filter & block known threats with Comodo\'s mature WAF that\'s always learning with Comodo\'s real-time security intelligence engine (SIEM.)
Pro is the most-popular SMB website security solution providing the most value at a price point any business can afford. Get unlimited scanning, automatic & manual malware removal, 24/7 live support, monitoring to keep your site off blacklists, and a CDN to enhance your site\'s performance and thwart DDoS attack attempts. It will also filter & block known threats with Comodo\'s mature WAF that\'s always learning with Comodo\'s real-time security intelligence engine (SIEM.)
Premium is the ultimate in SMB website security & protection, providing unlimited malware removal with the fastest response times. This multi-layered Security-as-a-Service complete package has 24/7 prioritized support and is fully-managed by a dedicated security analyst in Comodo\'s cybersecurity operations center (CSOC). It includes the CDN for lightning-fast page load speeds, enhanced performance and thwarting attempted DDoS attacks. It also keeps you off blacklists, detects & blocks all known threats with Comodo\'s mature WAF, supports customizable WAF rules, and is always learning with Comodo\'s real-time security intelligence engine (SIEM.)
Premium is the ultimate in SMB website security & protection, providing unlimited malware removal with the fastest response times. This multi-layered Security-as-a-Service complete package has 24/7 prioritized support and is fully-managed by a dedicated security analyst in Comodo\'s cybersecurity operations center (CSOC). It includes the CDN for lightning-fast page load speeds, enhanced performance and thwarting attempted DDoS attacks. It also keeps you off blacklists, detects & blocks all known threats with Comodo\'s mature WAF, supports customizable WAF rules, and is always learning with Comodo\'s real-time security intelligence engine (SIEM.)
Vores tjeneste søger efter de bedste tilbud på SSL-certifikater fra forskellige sælgere og viser dig priserne side om side, så du nemt kan vælge det bedste tilbud.
Vores prissammenligningstjeneste hjælper dig med at finde billige SSL-certifikater ved at vise dig de bedste priser fra forskellige sælgere.
Du kan vælge det rigtige SSL-certifikat til din hjemmeside ved at sammenligne funktioner, priser og pålideligheden af de forskellige certifikater, der tilbydes af sælgerne.
Du kan købe et SSL-certifikat ved at klikke på det tilbud, der passer bedst til dine behov, og blive omdirigeret til sælgerens hjemmeside for at fuldføre købet.
For at få mere information om en bestemt sælger af SSL-certifikater, kan du besøge deres hjemmeside eller kontakte dem direkte for at få svar på dine spørgsmål.
Betalingsmetoderne kan variere afhængigt af sælgeren. Du bør kontakte sælgeren direkte for at få oplysninger om de accepterede betalingsmetoder.
Et SSL-certifikat sikrer sikker datakommunikation mellem din hjemmeside og brugerne. Det hjælper med at beskytte følsomme oplysninger og opbygge tillid hos dine besøgende.
Installationen af et SSL-certifikat på din hjemmeside kan variere afhængigt af din webserver og certifikatudbyder. Du kan følge de instruktioner, der er angivet af din certifikatudbyder, eller kontakte din webhostingudbyder for at få hjælp til installationen.
Et enkelt domæne SSL-certifikat sikrer kun et enkelt domænenavn (f.eks., mens et wildcard SSL-certifikat sikrer flere underdomæner af det samme domæne (f.eks., osv.).
Du kan forny dit SSL-certifikat ved at kontakte din certifikatudbyder og følge deres fornyelsesproces. Det anbefales at forny certifikatet inden udløbsdatoen for at undgå afbrydelser i sikkerheden på din hjemmeside.