Find den bedste pris på hjemmesidebyggere fra forskellige sælgere rundt om i verden. Vi sammenligner priser, funktioner og kundeanmeldelser for at hjælpe dig med at vælge den ideelle hjemmesidebygger til dine behov.
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Starter Plan. Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Over 40 million entrepreneurs and small businesses have already used Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store.
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Starter Plan. Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Over 40 million entrepreneurs and small businesses have already used Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store.
The Weebly Pro Plan has everything you need to build a powerful website with design, marketing and e-commerce tools that include everything in Starter plus site search, video backgrounds, password protection, and more!
The Weebly Pro Plan has everything you need to build a powerful website with design, marketing and e-commerce tools that include everything in Starter plus site search, video backgrounds, password protection, and more!
Build an online store with Weebly. The Business Plan from Weebly is a complete eCommerce solution for small businesses and stores, scale your storefront with ease with all the features from the Pro Plan plus Unlimited Products, Shipping & Tax Calculators and 0% Weebly Transaction fees.
Build an online store with Weebly. The Business Plan from Weebly is a complete eCommerce solution for small businesses and stores, scale your storefront with ease with all the features from the Pro Plan plus Unlimited Products, Shipping & Tax Calculators and 0% Weebly Transaction fees.
Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Try Weebly and create a 1 page site with this Lite entry level option.
Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Try Weebly and create a 1 page site with this Lite entry level option.
1 Website
100 MB Disk Space
500 MB Traffic Bandwidth
1 Emails Accounts
Hosted on Solid State Drives (SSDs)
Free SSL
Limited Plugins
Limited templates
Website Hosting included
SEO tools
1 Website
100 MB Disk Space
500 MB Traffic Bandwidth
1 Emails Accounts
Hosted on Solid State Drives (SSDs)
Free SSL
Limited Plugins
Limited templates
Website Hosting included
SEO tools
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Free Plan. With no limits on pages + contact forms and basic SEO, it has everything you need to get started.
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Free Plan. With no limits on pages + contact forms and basic SEO, it has everything you need to get started.
Start to build a website and get online in minutes with Weebly. The Lite Plan supports unlimited pages + contact forms and basic SEO giving you everything you need to get started.
Start to build a website and get online in minutes with Weebly. The Lite Plan supports unlimited pages + contact forms and basic SEO giving you everything you need to get started.
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Starter Plan. Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Over 40 million entrepreneurs and small businesses have already used Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store.
Build a website and get online in minutes with the Weebly Starter Plan. Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Over 40 million entrepreneurs and small businesses have already used Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store.
En hjemmesidebygger er et værktøj, der giver dig mulighed for at designe og oprette din egen hjemmeside uden kodning. Du kan vælge skabeloner, tilpasse designet og tilføje indhold ved hjælp af en brugervenlig grænseflade.
En hjemmesidebygger gør det nemt for alle at oprette en professionel hjemmeside uden teknisk viden. Du kan spare tid og penge ved at bruge en hjemmesidebygger i stedet for at ansætte en webudvikler.
Ja, mange hjemmesidebyggere tilbyder indbyggede e-handelsfunktioner, der giver dig mulighed for at sælge produkter eller tjenester direkte fra din hjemmeside.
Ja, de fleste moderne hjemmesidebyggere er optimeret til søgemaskiner, hvilket hjælper med at forbedre din synlighed i søgeresultaterne.
Absolut! Hjemmesidebyggere giver dig mulighed for at tilpasse designet ved at vælge skabeloner, farver, skrifttyper og mere. Du kan skabe en unik og professionel hjemmeside uden besvær.
Selvom hjemmesidebyggere giver mange funktioner og fleksibilitet, kan der være visse begrænsninger i forhold til tilpasning og funktionalitet sammenlignet med at anvende en professionel webudvikler.
Det er vigtigt at overveje dine specifikke behov, budget og ønsket funktionalitet, når du vælger en hjemmesidebygger. Sammenlign priser, funktioner og læs kundeanmeldelser for at træffe den bedste beslutning.
Ja, mange hjemmesidebyggere giver dig mulighed for at opgradere eller ændre din hjemmesidebyggerplan senere, når dine behov ændrer sig. Du kan normalt bevare dit eksisterende indhold og design under opgraderingsprocessen.
Nej, de fleste hjemmesidebyggere er designet til at være brugervenlige og kræver ingen teknisk viden. Du kan oprette og administrere din hjemmeside med lethed ved hjælp af de intuitive værktøjer og funktioner.
Betalingsoptioner varierer afhængigt af den valgte hjemmesidebygger. De fleste accepterer kreditkort, PayPal og nogle tilbyder endda alternative betalingsmetoder som Bitcoin.