Product Gold SEO

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Gold SEO

SEO Price Packages

Gold SEO

SEO Price Packages





No offer

Keywords 20
Review and Analysis
Website Analysis Yes
Competitive Analysis Yes
Keyword Research 30
Keyword Finalize 20
Top Ten Ranking(for keywords) 10
Search Engine Optimization Strategy Yes
Initial Ranking Report Yes
On page optimization
Website Structure Optimization Yes
Content Optimization Yes
Image & Hyperlink Optimization Yes
Working on HTML Source Code Yes
Meta tag creation & optimization Yes
HTML Sitemap creation Yes
Google XML Sitemap Creation & regular updation Yes
Google Analytics Setup & Monitoring Yes
Robots.txt Optimization Yes
RSS Feed Generation Yes
Off Page (monthly)
Link Building (Relevant and Manual)
Manual Search Engine Submission Yes
Manual Relevant Directory Submission 150
Local / Niche Directory Submission 15
Link Exchange (One Way + Reciprocal) 10
Social Media Marketing
Social Bookmarking & Community Advertising 50
Article Creation 3
Article Creation 60
Press Release Creation 1
Press Release Distribution (per Press Release) 40
Blog Creation, updation and promotion Yes
Forum posting 10
Classified ads Creation & Posting 3
RSS feed submission No
Report status
Search Engine Ranking Reports Yes
Monthly Work status reports (Detailed) Yes
Traffic Status Report Yes
Keywords 20
Review and Analysis
Website Analysis Yes
Competitive Analysis Yes
Keyword Research 30
Keyword Finalize 20
Top Ten Ranking(for keywords) 10
Search Engine Optimization Strategy Yes
Initial Ranking Report Yes
On page optimization
Website Structure Optimization Yes
Content Optimization Yes
Image & Hyperlink Optimization Yes
Working on HTML Source Code Yes
Meta tag creation & optimization Yes
HTML Sitemap creation Yes
Google XML Sitemap Creation & regular updation Yes
Google Analytics Setup & Monitoring Yes
Robots.txt Optimization Yes
RSS Feed Generation Yes
Off Page (monthly)
Link Building (Relevant and Manual)
Manual Search Engine Submission Yes
Manual Relevant Directory Submission 150
Local / Niche Directory Submission 15
Link Exchange (One Way + Reciprocal) 10
Social Media Marketing
Social Bookmarking & Community Advertising 50
Article Creation 3
Article Creation 60
Press Release Creation 1
Press Release Distribution (per Press Release) 40
Blog Creation, updation and promotion Yes
Forum posting 10
Classified ads Creation & Posting 3
RSS feed submission No
Report status
Search Engine Ranking Reports Yes
Monthly Work status reports (Detailed) Yes
Traffic Status Report Yes

You can easily compare prices for Gold SEO services by using our search tool and viewing the quotes from different sellers.

Yes, we ensure that the prices displayed are up-to-date and accurate to help you make an informed decision.

It depends on the seller. Some may offer flexibility in pricing, so feel free to reach out and discuss options.

When comparing Gold SEO services, consider the scope of services offered, experience of the provider, pricing structure, and customer reviews.

To find the best fit for your business, consider your budget, specific SEO needs, and the reputation of the service provider.

Yes, you have the flexibility to switch Gold SEO service providers if you are not satisfied with the results or quality of service.

Some Gold SEO service providers may offer guarantees such as improved search rankings or increased website traffic. Be sure to inquire about their policies.

Gold SEO service providers may accept various payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, or other online payment options.

Yes, many Gold SEO service providers offer the option to request a custom quote tailored to your specific business needs and objectives.

It's important to clarify with the service provider if there are any hidden fees or additional charges not included in the initial quote before making a decision.