RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
GoGetSSL Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
GoGetSSL Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
Longueur de la clé 2048 bits:
https vert avec et sans www:
Compatible aux mobiles:
Compatible IDN:
Garanti $10,000 :
Activation instantané après le paiement:
Longueur de la clé 2048 bits:
https vert avec et sans www:
Compatible aux mobiles:
Compatible IDN:
Garanti $10,000 :
Activation instantané après le paiement:
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
RapidSSL® Certificates help you keep your customers\' transactions secure with up to 256-bit data encryption and site authentication. Buy a certificate and speed through enrollment with automated domain control validation. Best of all, our SSL certificates are among the most affordable in the industry. We keep our costs down and pass the savings on to you.
Un certificat SSL est un fichier cryptographique qui assure la sécurité des échanges de données entre un serveur web et un navigateur. Il garantit la confidentialité et l'intégrité des informations transmises.
Un certificat SSL est essentiel pour sécuriser les transactions en ligne, protéger les données sensibles des utilisateurs et améliorer la confiance des visiteurs sur votre site web.
Le choix du certificat SSL dépend de vos besoins spécifiques. Vous devez prendre en compte le niveau de validation, le type de site web, le nombre de sous-domaines, etc. Il est recommandé de consulter un professionnel pour choisir le certificat adapté.
Un certificat SSL à validation étendue (EV) offre le niveau de confiance le plus élevé. Il affiche le nom de l'entreprise dans la barre d'adresse du navigateur et active le fameux cadenas vert, inspirant ainsi confiance aux visiteurs.
Oui, certains certificats SSL permettent de sécuriser plusieurs domaines avec un seul certificat. Ils sont généralement appelés certificats SSL multidomaines ou certificats SAN.
La durée de validité d'un certificat SSL varie, mais elle est généralement de 1 à 2 ans. Il est recommandé de renouveler le certificat avant son expiration pour maintenir la sécurité de votre site web.
Il est fortement recommandé d'acheter un certificat SSL auprès d'un fournisseur réputé et fiable. Cela garantit la qualité du certificat, le support technique et la compatibilité avec les navigateurs.
Il existe différents types de certificats SSL tels que les certificats à validation de domaine (DV), à validation de l'organisation (OV) et à validation étendue (EV). Chaque type offre différents niveaux de confiance et de vérification.
L'installation d'un certificat SSL varie en fonction du serveur web utilisé. Vous pouvez consulter la documentation de votre serveur ou demander l'aide de votre hébergeur ou d'un professionnel de l'IT pour l'installer correctement.
La grande majorité des navigateurs modernes acceptent les certificats SSL. Cependant, il est important de vérifier la compatibilité avec les navigateurs les plus couramment utilisés pour garantir une expérience sécurisée pour tous les visiteurs.