Produkt Security (SSL) Certificates

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Popularni sprzedawcy produktu Security (SSL) Certificates

Comodo Personal Authentication Basic Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates

Comodo Personal Authentication Basic Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Basics) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers.
Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Basics) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers.

RapidSSL Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates

RapidSSL Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




A standard, yet popular Domain Validated (DV) certificate due to its low cost and rapid issuance process. With 99% of browser recognition and its encryption strength of 256-bit, it’s an ideal solution for protecting a single, entry-level site.
A standard, yet popular Domain Validated (DV) certificate due to its low cost and rapid issuance process. With 99% of browser recognition and its encryption strength of 256-bit, it’s an ideal solution for protecting a single, entry-level site.

RapidSSL Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates

RapidSSL Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




A standard, yet popular Domain Validated (DV) certificate due to its low cost and rapid issuance process. With 99% of browser recognition and its encryption strength of 256-bit, it’s an ideal solution for protecting a single, entry-level site.
A standard, yet popular Domain Validated (DV) certificate due to its low cost and rapid issuance process. With 99% of browser recognition and its encryption strength of 256-bit, it’s an ideal solution for protecting a single, entry-level site.

Comodo PositiveSSL

Security (SSL) Certificates

Comodo PositiveSSL

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




For a fast website security solution, the Comodo Positive SSL certificate is the answer for you. This domain validated (DV) certificate offers industry standard encryption at an unbelievable price. Plus, this certificate comes backed by the Comodo brand, one of the most trusted names in internet security. As a basic SSL certificate, the Comodo Positive SSL is an excellent solution for internal domains and other domain names where you need fast and simple security without having to worry about injecting much trust into the site.
For a fast website security solution, the Comodo Positive SSL certificate is the answer for you. This domain validated (DV) certificate offers industry standard encryption at an unbelievable price. Plus, this certificate comes backed by the Comodo brand, one of the most trusted names in internet security. As a basic SSL certificate, the Comodo Positive SSL is an excellent solution for internal domains and other domain names where you need fast and simple security without having to worry about injecting much trust into the site.

Essential SSL Certificate (DV)

Security (SSL) Certificates

Essential SSL Certificate (DV)

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




This is a quick and cost-effective certificate that will secure your customer transactions. The main feature of the certificate is the speed of issuance, it is ideal for very light ecommerce websites.
This is a quick and cost-effective certificate that will secure your customer transactions. The main feature of the certificate is the speed of issuance, it is ideal for very light ecommerce websites.

Comodo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain

Security (SSL) Certificates

Comodo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




If you need a quick way to secure multiple domains on a single SSL certificate, then the Comodo Positive Multi-Domain SSL is the cert for you. This certificate can secure up to 100 total domains and is typically issued in mere minutes, once domain ownership is verified. As an entry-level Domain Validated (DV) option, the Comodo Positive Multi-Domain SSL is an excellent option for start-up ecommerce sites and other small businesses looking for a little boost with regards to encryption and sales.
If you need a quick way to secure multiple domains on a single SSL certificate, then the Comodo Positive Multi-Domain SSL is the cert for you. This certificate can secure up to 100 total domains and is typically issued in mere minutes, once domain ownership is verified. As an entry-level Domain Validated (DV) option, the Comodo Positive Multi-Domain SSL is an excellent option for start-up ecommerce sites and other small businesses looking for a little boost with regards to encryption and sales.

Comodo Personal Authentication Pro Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates

Comodo Personal Authentication Pro Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Pro) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers
Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Pro) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers

Comodo Personal Authentication Enterprise Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates

Comodo Personal Authentication Enterprise Certificate

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Enterprise) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers
Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates (CPAC Enterprise) are easy and affordable solutions used to secure business communications. These certificates allow you to encrypt and digitally sign email communications, offer two-factor authentication of users and employees, secure important company documents sent across the network, and will authenticate to ensure they have clearance to access online servers

Thawte SSL123

Security (SSL) Certificates

Thawte SSL123

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




Thawte is one of the most respected names in the SSL industry. This domain validated certificate offers a combination of trust, security and speed. It can be issued within minutes and offers a dynamic seal that can be viewed on your website.
Thawte is one of the most respected names in the SSL industry. This domain validated certificate offers a combination of trust, security and speed. It can be issued within minutes and offers a dynamic seal that can be viewed on your website.

InstantSSL (OV)

Security (SSL) Certificates

InstantSSL (OV)

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




This security product is ideal for light ecommerce sites interested in boosting their trust quickly and affordably. This certificate will not only encrypt information sent from browsers to your server, but will also increase the trust visitors have in your website.
This security product is ideal for light ecommerce sites interested in boosting their trust quickly and affordably. This certificate will not only encrypt information sent from browsers to your server, but will also increase the trust visitors have in your website.

Thawte SSL123 (FLEX)

Security (SSL) Certificates

Thawte SSL123 (FLEX)

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




This is a very popular wildcard certificate, as it offers full 256-bit encryption for one main domain and an unlimited amount of associated subdomains. Plus, being a Domain Validated (DV) certificate, it can be issued in a matter of minutes.
This is a very popular wildcard certificate, as it offers full 256-bit encryption for one main domain and an unlimited amount of associated subdomains. Plus, being a Domain Validated (DV) certificate, it can be issued in a matter of minutes.

InstantSSL Pro (OV)

Security (SSL) Certificates

InstantSSL Pro (OV)

Security (SSL) Certificates


Brak oferty




This certificate will enable many trust indicators on your website, along with providing strong 256-bit encryption. Once installed, your site will reap the benefits of the padlock icon in the URL bar, \"https\" in front of the address, and the dynamic Comodo Secure Site Seal.
This certificate will enable many trust indicators on your website, along with providing strong 256-bit encryption. Once installed, your site will reap the benefits of the padlock icon in the URL bar, \"https\" in front of the address, and the dynamic Comodo Secure Site Seal.

Certyfikaty SSL są to cyfrowe certyfikaty, które potwierdzają tożsamość witryny internetowej i służą do szyfrowania transmisji danych między przeglądarką użytkownika a serwerem.

Certyfikat SSL zapewnia bezpieczną transmisję danych, chroniąc użytkowników przed atakami typu man-in-the-middle i gwarantując poufność i integralność informacji przesyłanych między stroną a użytkownikiem.

Korzyści posiadania certyfikatu SSL to: poprawa bezpieczeństwa witryny, zwiększenie zaufania użytkowników, lepsza pozycja w wynikach wyszukiwania Google, ochrona danych osobowych klientów, zgodność z przepisami o ochronie danych.

Różnice między certyfikatami SSL obejmują: typ certyfikatu (np. jednokrotne domeny, wildcard, organizacyjne), weryfikację certyfikatu (np. domeny, organizacji, rozszerzonej), poziom szyfrowania (np. 128-bitowe, 256-bitowe), wsparcie techniczne i gwarancje.

Dostępne są różne rodzaje certyfikatów SSL, takie jak: jednokrotne domeny, wildcard, organizacyjne, rozszerzone weryfikowane, certyfikaty dla aplikacji mobilnych itp.

Czas wydawania certyfikatu SSL zależy od weryfikacji i procedur wydawanych przez dostawców. Zwykle trwa to od kilku minut do kilku dni.

Tak, większość dostawców certyfikatów SSL umożliwia przeniesienie istniejącego certyfikatu SSL do innego dostawcy. Należy jednak sprawdzić warunki i procedury przenoszenia przed podjęciem decyzji.

To zależy od rodzaju certyfikatu SSL. Certyfikaty jednokrotne domeny są przypisane do jednej konkretnej domeny, podczas gdy certyfikaty wildcard mogą być używane na wielu subdomenach. Certyfikaty organizacyjne mogą obejmować wiele domen i subdomen.

Tak, większość dostawców certyfikatów SSL umożliwia przedłużenie ważności certyfikatu przed jego wygaśnięciem. Można to zrobić zwykle na określony okres, zazwyczaj od 1 do 3 lat.

Koszty posiadania certyfikatu SSL zależą od rodzaju certyfikatu, dostawcy i okresu ważności. Ceny mogą się różnić, ale istnieją opcje dostępne dla różnych budżetów.