Produkt Dedicated Hosting

Najděte nejlepší nabídky na dedikovaný hosting od prodejců z celého světa. Porovnávejte ceny, výkon, možnosti a recenze a vyberte si tu nejvhodnější službu.

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Oblíbení prodejci produktu Dedicated Hosting


DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated I

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated I

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

RCS-SG Semi Dedicated I

Singapura Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-SG Semi Dedicated I

Singapura Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

RCS-US Semi Dedicated I

US Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-US Semi Dedicated I

US Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included


Dedicated Hosting


Dedicated Hosting







For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage
For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage


Dedicated Hosting


Dedicated Hosting







For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage
For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated II

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated II

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 5120 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 5120 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Dedikovaný hosting je služba, která poskytuje uživateli celý fyzický server pouze pro jeho potřeby, bez sdílení s jinými uživateli.

Dedikovaný hosting poskytuje vyšší výkon, flexibilitu, bezpečnost a kontrolu nad serverem ve srovnání se sdíleným hostováním.

Při výběru dedikovaného hostingu je důležité zohlednit cenu, výkon, dostupnost technické podpory, bezpečnost a reputaci poskytovatele.

Existuje mnoho renomovaných poskytovatelů dedikovaného hostingu, jako jsou XYZ Hosting, ABC Servers, DEF Solutions atd. Nejlepší volba závisí na vašich individuálních potřebách a požadavcích.

Dedikovaný hosting poskytuje celý server pro jednoho uživatele, zatímco sdílené hostování sdílí server s více uživateli. Dedikovaný hosting je dražší, ale nabízí vyšší výkon a kontrolu.

Ano, dedikovaný hosting může zlepšit výkon vaší webové stránky, zejména při zpracování velkého provozu a náročných aplikací.

Pro porovnání cen dedikovaného hostingu můžete využít online platformy, které zobrazují nabídky od různých prodejců. Můžete také kontaktovat přímo jednotlivé prodejce a žádat o jejich cenové nabídky.

Cena dedikovaného hostingu se liší v závislosti na poskytovateli, výkonových parametrech a délce smlouvy. Průměrná cena se pohybuje od XYZ Kč do ABC Kč měsíčně.

Ano, mnoho poskytovatelů dedikovaného hostingu nabízí technickou podporu 24/7, která vám pomůže s řešením případných problémů nebo dotazů.

Ano, pokud vaše současná hostingová služba nevyhovuje vašim potřebám, můžete přecházet mezi různými dedikovanými hostingovými službami. Mějte však na paměti, že přechod může vyžadovat určitou technickou migraci a nastavení.