Produkt Dedicated Hosting

Finden Sie die besten Angebote für Dedicated Hosting von verschiedenen IT-Dienstleistern weltweit. Vergleichen Sie Preise, Funktionen und Leistungen, um die richtige Wahl zu treffen.

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Beliebte Verkäufer von Produkt Dedicated Hosting


DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Economy

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Core™ i7™
5 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
50 GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
10 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Premium

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
10 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
15 Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated I

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated I

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

RCS-SG Semi Dedicated I

Singapura Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-SG Semi Dedicated I

Singapura Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

RCS-US Semi Dedicated I

US Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-US Semi Dedicated I

US Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 2048 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin

DH Deluxe

Dedicated Hosting Direct Admin







Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included
Processor » Intel ® Xeon™
20 GB Space (Raid-10 Storage)
Unmetered Bandwidth
Unlimited Webmail, IMAP, POP & SMTP Account
Firewall & Malware Protection
(Apache (Optimized)
Unlimited Sub-domains
24/7 Full Support
Semi Managed Hosting
Free Domain Name
Control Panel: DirectAdmin
Free Site Lock Security Included


Dedicated Hosting


Dedicated Hosting







For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage
For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage


Dedicated Hosting


Dedicated Hosting







For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage
For Large Informational Websites
Dedicated & Scaling Compute Resources
20GB SSD Storage
200GB Bandwidth
5 Sub-Domain Names
5 MySQL Databases
*Starting price cost adjusted based on resource usage

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated II

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting

RCS-IIX Semi Dedicated II

Indonesia Semi Dedicated Hosting







Web Disk = 5120 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Web Disk = 5120 MB
100% 1 CPU Core
1G Physical Memory
50 Entry Process
100 Max Process
102400 KB IO Limit
Bandwidth = Unlimited
FTP Account = Unlimited
Email Account = Unlimited
Subdomain Account = Unlimited
Addon Domain = Unlimited
Parked Domain = Unlimited
Database Support = MariaDB, PostgreSQL
Language support = PHP, CGI, Perl
SSH Access for Git and Composer
Litespeed Web Server
Litespeed Cache Module for Wordpress

Dedicated Hosting ist ein Service, bei dem ein einzelner Server einem einzelnen Kunden zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Der Kunde hat die volle Kontrolle über den Server und kann ihn für seine spezifischen Anforderungen konfigurieren und nutzen.

Dedicated Hosting bietet eine höhere Leistung, Sicherheit und Flexibilität im Vergleich zu Shared Hosting. Es ist ideal für Unternehmen mit hohem Datenverkehr, um eine reibungslose Website-Leistung sicherzustellen.

Dedicated Hosting umfasst dedizierte Ressourcen wie CPU, RAM, Speicherplatz und Bandbreite. Es bietet auch erweiterte Sicherheitsfunktionen, anpassbare Konfigurationen und die Möglichkeit, beliebige Software und Anwendungen zu installieren.

Ja, die meisten Dedicated Hosting-Anbieter ermöglichen das Hoch- oder Herunterskalieren der Ressourcen je nach Bedarf. Sie können Ihren Server anpassen, um sich an wachsende Anforderungen anzupassen.

Um den besten Dedicated Hosting-Anbieter zu finden, sollten Sie Preise, Leistungen, Kundenbewertungen, den Kundensupport und die Zuverlässigkeit der Infrastruktur berücksichtigen. Vergleichen Sie verschiedene Anbieter, um die beste Wahl zu treffen.

Ja, die meisten Dedicated Hosting-Anbieter unterstützen die Migration von Websites. Sie können Ihre vorhandene Website auf den Dedicated Server umziehen und von den Vorteilen eines dedizierten Umfelds profitieren.

Ja, Dedicated Hosting bietet eine höhere Sicherheit im Vergleich zu Shared Hosting, da Sie den Server nicht mit anderen Websites teilen. Sie haben die volle Kontrolle über die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und können Ihre Daten und Anwendungen besser schützen.

Die Bereitstellung eines Dedicated Servers kann je nach Anbieter variieren. In der Regel dauert es jedoch einige Stunden bis wenige Tage, um Ihren Dedicated Server betriebsbereit zu machen.

Bei Managed Dedicated Hosting übernimmt der Anbieter die Verwaltung und Wartung des Servers, während Sie sich auf Ihre Website konzentrieren können. Bei Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting sind Sie für die Serververwaltung und -wartung selbst verantwortlich.

Ja, viele Dedicated Hosting-Anbieter bieten die Möglichkeit, Ihren Server auf eine Cloud-Plattform zu erweitern. Dies ermöglicht eine flexible Skalierbarkeit und verbesserte Verfügbarkeit Ihrer Dienste.